
Tests & Results

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Test Results Phone line


Cervical Smears


Hospital Results


Test Results Phone line

For the results of any tests carried out in the surgery please call the surgery and choose option 4 between 3pm and 5pm. This is a dedicated time for our reception team to discuss your result with you and arrange any further action if this is necessary. It is important to note that results can only be given to the patient themselves unless express permission has been obtained from the patient and this can include patients under the age of 16.  Our reception team are required to ask you for particular details to ensure results are given to the correct person to maintain confidentiality.

Kindly allow 5 working days before phoning for blood test results. Please note that x-ray and scan results can take several weeks to be reported and the results returned to us.


Cervical Smears

Results of cervical smears are posted to our patients as soon as they are available.  This can take up to five weeks, so do not worry if you have not received your letter before this time.


Hospital Results

If you have had a test carried out at the request of a hospital clinician they will receive the result directly and usually contact you. This is most frequently by letter with a copy sent to your GP to keep them up to date. If you have not received the result of an investigation carried out in hospital, often the quickest and most efficient way to discuss this is to contact the secretary of the consultant’s team directly. If you need assistance with this, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Contact Us

Opening Times


8:30am - 6pm (Closed between 1-2pm)

Extended hours appointments are available

Emergency Triage

8:30am - 1pm

Where possible, please call before 1pm


Practice closure dates for 2024

Friday 29th March 2024
Monday 1st April 2024
Monday 6th May 2024
Monday 27th May 2024
Monday 15th July 2024
Wednesday 14th August (closed 2-6pm)*
Monday 30th Septermber 2024
Wednesday 20th November (closed 2-6pm)*
Wednesday 25th December 2024
Thursday 26th December 2024
*check "Latest Updates" for more info

Call Us

0141 641 1000 or 0141 641 3037

Visit Us

18 North Avenue, Cambuslang G72 8AT

North Avenue Surgery operates a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards aggressive or abusive behaviour. This includes any personal, abusive or threatening comments, bad language, physical contact and aggressive gestures. In keeping with the rest of the National Health Service, this means that no abuse of clinical or administrative staff is acceptable, whether verbal or physical and any patient behaving in this manner will be removed from the practice list with immediate effect. In some cases the police will be called.

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