
Useful Websites & Numbers

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Domestic Violence and Abuse

CRUSE Scotland

Bereavement support and online resources

0808 808 1677

Stillbirth & Neonatal death (SANDS)

Online and telephone support for bereaved families

0808 164 3332


People affected by Trauma and Loss after Murder or suicide

01698 324 502

Miscarriage Support

Information, advice, and counselling after miscarriage

0141 552 5070

St Andrews Hospice

Provide support for children and families who have lost a relative including a children’s programme (for 6-12 years). 


Domestic Violence and Abuse

Women's Aid South Lanarkshire

Women’s Aid provide a service for children and young people affected by domestic abuse. Further information can be found on the website.

Women’s Aid South Lanarkshire & East Renfrewshire
Edinburgh House, 3rd Floor
20 Princes Square
East Kilbride G74 1LJ

24hr Helpline

0800 027 1234

Gender Based Violence Team (GBV)

Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage

Multi-lingual advice for those forced into marriage and sexual exploitation. Helpline open 24hours.

0800 027 1234


Employment / Financial Advice


Practical and Social Support

My World of Work

Advice around employment, training & further education online or by phone

0800 917 800

Routes to work

Contact via phone and email

0800 731 0444

Financial Inclusion Team

Free, impartial and confidential debt advice

01698 332 551

Step Change

Free online debt advice tailored to your individual circumstances

Practical and Social Support

The Haven

Support to individuals, families and carers, affected by life limiting illness, including those in COVID-19 shielding/high risk categories. Digital support service available.

01555 811 846

Help for Single Parents

Support & advice around benefits, childcare, work, separation, child maintenance, etc

0808 801 0323

Community Wellbeing Helpline

For people who have been advised to stay at home with no one else to help them. Covid-19 info, advice around access to food and prescriptions

0303 123 1009

Healthy n Happy

Providing support for those in the community that require it, boosting resilience, confidence and wellbeing.

0141 646 0123


Housing Issues


Support for Carers

Rutherglen and Cambuslang Housing Association


Support for Carers

South Lanarkshire Carer Network


Addiction Services


General Advice

Community Addiction Recovery Service (CAReS)

AA Alcoholics Anonymous

Register online for group meetings using Zoom

0800 917 7650

AI Anon

Support for the families and friends of people with substance misuse

0800 008 6811

We Are WIth You (formally Addaction)

Support and advice for individuals and their families affected by problematic drug use

0800 599 9774

Community Addictions Recovery Services (CAReS)

Support for people whose lives have been affected by alcohol or drugs. Referrals from any agency and self referral

0141 585 2515


General Advice

Citizen's Advice


Weight Management



Weigh To Go Weight Management Programme



Young Minds - What is Anxiety?

Young People and Anxiety

For Young Children

Breathing & relaxation exercises can help manage the physical symptoms of anxiety.


Mental Health Services




Lanarkshire Mind Matters

Cambuslang & Rutherglen Community Health Initiative

Stress Control 

Six 90min classes that develop skills and techniques for managing stress. Live – Streamed classes online via YouTube – (with time limited repeats). Booklets and further info online.

Beating the Blues

Eight sessions of online CBT 
Referral – NHS Professionals –

Sivercloud cCBT – Space from Covid Module

Providing mental health support in dealing with difficclt emotions and situations brought on by COVID-19. referral via First port 

Alzheimer Scotland

Website has information & resources for people with dementia, their carers and families updated on a regular basis throughout the coronavirus pandemic. Online activities & telephone support. 

24/7 free Dementia Helpline

North Resource Centre


Support for those affected by brain injury Headway Glasgow are doing various online activities which people from other areas can access. 

Weekdays 9am-5pm

Nurse led helpline

Hope for Autism

Advice line open to anyone who needs information, guidance or advice, providing help and signposting, Active Lanarkshire Facebook group – contact via messenger

Lanarkshire Assocation for Mental Health 

Services have moved online. Open to new referrals via normal contact methods. 

Breathing Space

Self-help coaches & appointment-based telephone therapist support. Currently piloting a Webchat that lets you message specialist advisors.

Mon-Thurs 6pm-2am
Fri 6pm Monday-6am



Living Life to Full

Online CBT courses (c-CBT)

Free courses for; NHS & Social Care staff, Adults, Older Adult & Farming Communities


Mental Health information, education, resources, self-help techniques and therapuetic groups and classes.  


Information, self-help and support for anyone affected by eating disorders. Online (moderated) chat room ‘The Sanctuary’ where people can air concerns and recieve advice. 

Mon-Fri 4.30-8.30pm
Sat 1-4.30pm 

Bipolar Scotland

Information & Support. Online support groups first Mon in month.


Self help and support for people feeling worries or stressed about how coronavirus could affect their or their loved ones life.

Regularly updated website with information, links and resources designed to protect your mental health. 

Young Minds

This is a national child & adolescent mental health organisation which has rescources for children, young people and parents. It also has a parent helpline number. Young people & parents can look up information here re: specific conditions e.g.anxiety/depression/low mood

Hands On Scotland

Further helpful advice and recommendations can be found on the hands on Scotland and Children First websites. These provide general advice for parents on a range of common difficulties for children and young people, including low mood and anxiety. 

The Solihull Programme

This is a robust parent support programme provided in modules including those aimed at understanding your child, emotional and behavoural issues which arise, and basic foundations of parenting. 

Password – owen123



Lanarkshire Counselling and CBT Centre

Online & telephone Counselling and CBT

01236 897 544


0785 769 5818

Charges up to £35 per session

Relationship Scotland

Relationship counselling, family mediation, child contact services

01698 254 709

Maggies Lanarkshire

Support for individuals/families affected by cancer. Visit by appointment only due to COVID-19

01236 771 199


0300 123 1801


Veteran Support


Victim Support

Combat Stress

Website – self-help information & resources

24 hour helplines.

Veterans & Families

Serving Personnel & Families


Accepting new referrals, Staff & Peer Workers continuing support via phone & near me. 


Victim Support

Free confidential support for victims of crime, and families bereaved by crime. Advice around going to court and current court procedures.



Parenting Interventions


ASD Specific Resources

Incredible Years Programme

Under 6: Referral by any agnecy (GP/HV/Nursery). This invloves completing a resuest for assistance (RFA), a written consent to share with health, social work and eductation and parental strength & difficulties questionnaire (available online need to complete correct age range) & send to: 

South Lanarkshire Health & Social care Partnership 
Incredible Years Programme
Cambuslang Family Centre 
Johnstone Drive
Cambuslang G72 8JR

Vivian Boxall - Coordinator

Home School Partnership

Parents can eiher contact directly or be referred for parenting via school. 

Community Learning - Cambuslang

Community Learning - Rutherglen

The Solihull Programme

This is a robust parent support programme provided in modules including those aimed at understanding your child, emotional and behavoural issues which arise, and basic foundations of parenting. 

Password – owen123


ASD Specific Resources

The National Autistic Society

A Very helpful website which provides advice and recommendations for parents/carers and young people themselves across a range of issues.

Helpline (Mon-Thurs 10am-4pm, Fri 9am-3pm)

0808 800 4104

Scottish Autism

A useful resource and again can provide advice and recommendations


Provides advice and support for families with children and young people with an autism diagnosis.

REACH Lanarkshire Autism

Provides emotional and practical support for families living with ASD. 

The Lanarkshire Carers Centre 

The centre also runs regular support groups for parents caring for children and young with a range of needs and autism workshops.

Contact Us

Opening Times


8:30am - 6pm (Closed between 1-2pm)

Extended hours appointments are available

Emergency Triage

8:30am - 1pm

Where possible, please call before 1pm


Practice closure dates for 2024/25

Wednesday 20th November (closed 2-6pm)*
Wednesday 25th December 2024
Thursday 26th December 2024
Wednesday 1st January 2025
Thursday 2nd January 2025
Friday 18th April 2025
Monday 20th April 2025
Monday 5th May 2025
Monday 26th May 2025
Monday 21st July 2025
Monday 29th September 2025
Wednesday 5th November 2025 *
Thursday 25th December 2025
Friday 26th December 2025
*check "Latest Updates" for more info

Call Us

0141 641 1000 or 0141 641 3037

Visit Us

18 North Avenue, Cambuslang G72 8AT

North Avenue Surgery operates a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy towards aggressive or abusive behaviour. This includes any personal, abusive or threatening comments, bad language, physical contact and aggressive gestures. In keeping with the rest of the National Health Service, this means that no abuse of clinical or administrative staff is acceptable, whether verbal or physical and any patient behaving in this manner will be removed from the practice list with immediate effect. In some cases the police will be called.

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